Wednesday, January 11, 2012

TABLETOPS & more...

Christmas is put away and you want a new look?  Now is the time to "rearrange".  Clear off your tabletops, and place all accessories in a central space which becomes your "shopping" area.  Follow some good "design basics" and the process begins as you start relocating some of your favorite accessories.  Viola, a new look!

A simple design lesson:  Use the DESIGN ELEMENTS of color, shape, texture, line and value as your ingredients and then follow the directions of the DESIGN PRINCIPLES of proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis and harmony.

PROPORTION-the relationship of one item to another

Symmetrical-equal weight on each side of the center, a formal look
Asymmetrical-unequal weight on each side of the center, more interesting and less formal

RYTHM- repetition and progression

EMPHASIS-point of interest

HARMONY-putting things together to create unity

While looking at these tabletops,  begin looking at the DESIGN ELEMENTS (color, shape, texture, line and value) and how they are applied according to the DESIGN PRINCIPLES (proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis and harmony).
ASSYMMETRICAL BALANCE-each side is different but is equal in weight.
The lidded vases on the left show REPETITION of  SHAPE and PROGRESSION  in size.
Notice how the circular shape is repeated.
SYMMETRICAL BALANCE found in a showroom display at Sowell's.
 Items equally placed on each side of center create a formal look.
Wall and tabletop accessories working very well together.

Good collection of wall art and tabletop.
All placed together in HARMONY to become one look.
The tree wall hanging is obviously the point of interest (EMPHASIS)
with the tabletop pieces repeating the theme with textures and additional trees.


Interesting REPETITION of the COLOR green.
Great selection of a tall lamp and a heavy pottery bowl for a BALANCED look on a big wall.
 A heavy table and a large art piece all proportionally combined to make a BIG statement.
 This small tabletop grouping joins the art piece for a finished look.
Good combination of COLORS, SHAPES and TEXTURES.

All of these design examples are things SOWELL'S designer, Nancy, has created.  Enjoy looking back through the photos and begin identifying the use of DESIGN ELEMENTS with the DESIGN PRINCIPLES in each of the settings.

Probably the best advice to be offered in tabletop decorating is to slightly "overlap" the placement of the accessories.  When you do not have a big statement piece,  overlap your smaller accessories so to expand your look!

SOWELL'S would love to have you share photos of  some of your tabletops designs.
Send to:
Label:        for tabletop blog

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